G1 Introduction to the Gospels.
18 Oct 2021

G1 Introduction to the Gospels.

Post by Glenn Sawtelle
listen here the audio of this study https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hys_lVBI5HY&list=PL1a63TsBRKpW0rI1pvH8K0PQerOZ3io7c&ab_channel=Gracedevotionals

This is the first of a series of devotionals that will explore the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This series will look at these writings chronologically, provide reading assignments that will prepare the participant for the next devotional, and focus on how the life and ministry of the Jesus fulfilled the eternal plan of God. Luke’s description of his account of the Gospel provides a good summary of what the four Gospels are designed to do; they are “about all that Jesus began to do and to teach, until the day He was taken up to heaven” (Acts 1:1-2a)

One of the goals of these devotionals is to help you develop a practice of reading and thoughtfully considering what the Scriptures have to say. To that end, each devotional will cover a daily reading of The One Year Chronological Bible provided by Tyndale House Publishers. You can find this plan at http://www.oneyearbibleonline.com, where you can download the pdf version. I have found it a good resource but there are many other plans that could be used.

As we study through the Gospels, try to keep in mind that from God’s perspective, the incarnation of Jesus the Christ had an eternal purpose that was ultimately finished on the Cross. From our perspective, He was establishing His kingdom among men and women here on earth through personal interactions with His disciples. When His time on earth was complete, they were told to preach the Gospel, make other disciples through word and example, and to teach them to observe everything He had taught. The word translated “observe” carries the idea of guarding something. The sense is to spiritually guard what Jesus taught, keep it intact. The best way to guard a teaching is to put it into practice. That is the objective of discipleship. You may have noticed in my opening statements that Luke’s Gospel account was about “all that Jesus began to do and to teach.” Teaching and doing are inseparable for the believer. Jesus was not just a theologian; He was an example of how to live as a member of God’s kingdom.

I have no idea where each person who is part of this study is with respect to the Lord Jesus Christ. To be certain you understand the most important thing, please consider the following:

John 1:12-13 But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God — children born not of blood, nor of the desire or will of man, but born of God.

If there is just one thing you should get from this study, it is to know with certainty that you are a child of God. The Gospels will teach us many things: nothing is as important as the decision to receive Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior.

Reading for our first series of devotionals: Matthew 1:1-17; Mark 1:1; Luke 1:1-38; Luke 3:23-38; John 1:1-18

Notes on chronological reading: The four Gospels all set out to give an account of Jesus’ life and teachings. Sometimes, they will agree perfectly but that isn’t always the case. As we progress through our study, we will discuss those differences and suggest reasons why they give somewhat different accounts. For now, just let the words sink in, think about them, read them throughout the week, try not to read quickly and jump to the next devotional. As you will see, Jesus expected us to consider and reason through things. That is why He taught in parables, knowing that the message would only be fully understood by those who truly want to hear from God. Again, God wants us to receive and understand. That takes thought.

follow the continuation of this study in this link:  G2a Jesus’ Origen and Purpose
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Pastor-teacher, missionary, physicist in healthcare, happily married and father of two daughters, dedicated child of God who still believes that in the Body of Christ we can make a profound difference in this world.